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For over a year, I’ve been an approved MBC for several badges in our Council. All Merit Badges in My Positions list have “blue checks” next to them. For the last several months, I’m not searchable in Scoutbook and can’t connect within SB to Scouts I’m working with. Council office has confirmed that I’m still showing as approved in Scout.NET lists. We’ve gone through several rounds of problem solving at the Unit and Council level and are out of ideas.
I’ve searched through the forum to find an answer but I come up with either “expiration” error or that a ticket must be submitted for further investigation. Any guidance is most appreciated.
I recognize it’s the obvious question, but when you log in at my.scouting, does your MBC position appear there? Similarly, when you log in to Scoutbook, does the MBC position there show as approved? I’ve “fallen off” of my council’s lists in Scoutbook before due to what seem like data entry issues, even though I was still current in the council-maintained lists. It looked a lot like what you’re describing.
That said, the search functionality in Scoutbook has been dysfunctional, although I’m not sure it’s been for as long as you’re describing. Who’s searching for you that can’t find you? Unit leadership? Parents?
And my.scouting.org shows that I’m listed as both an MBC and Troop Committee Member. I’ll take this back to the staff at Counsel to see if they can figure it out.
@CharleyHamilton Charley No one can find me. And if I search from our Troop page in Scoutbook, even I can’t find me. I only see it if I go through My Positions.
@KristinaNeuser After the requested position sync, your MBC looks approved to me in Scoutbook. I am also able to search for you using Scoutbook’s “MB Counselor List” search tool.