Historical/imported logs from Scoutbook are now editable

  • Historical/imported logs from Scoutbook are now editable
    User may need to update errors in the log record in order to re-save. Scoutbook did not do as much error checking as the new activity logs do.

@WilliamNelson - thank you for the update.

If you could outline how users can access and edit them that would be most helpful :slight_smile:

I’m actually curious about this piece, @WilliamNelson. Do you have an example of what you’re thinking of in that description? I just want to have a sense of what sort of “errors” to be watching for. :grin:

@CharleyHamilton - I did think to ask about that but figured it would be in the addenda of the design proposal:-)

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Scoutbook, in the past, did not do a lot of error checking so when we tested this, and edited a log, we could not save the entry until we entered the correct end date for the event (one that was not prior to the event)

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They look like normal individual log entries, you just can edit them know, prior to this change you could not.

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@WilliamNelson - thanks. I did notice some that could not he edited but they were cub entries on a scouts BSA member.