For some reason my son has a SB acct that has an acct number (13827307) that is not his correct one (132515227). I’m not able to ‘add’ or merge the accts as I’m getting an error that ‘The provided Member ID does not match the existing user profile’. I also can’t send him an invite from my acct because it says he already has an acct.
Please, how can I delete his errant SB acct?
@SeanMet I found 3 BSA member ID numbers for your son, and each one has a slightly different date of birth. Two of them appear to have camp staff registrations. I would recommend talking to Chief Seattle Council about consolidating his registrations under a single BSA member ID number and correcting his DOB (if needed).
He also has 2 usernames at my.Scouting:
- One has Google sign in turned on.
- The other is: Firstname followed by some numbers
If he could pick one, we can retire the other one.