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I currently have three accounts that show up on the roster of our troop and I wanted to see if I could remove all but one of the accounts. I know the user name for two of the accounts but not the third one.
My BSA Account # is: 13456492
User name for account I want to keep: (removed by Moderator)
SB ID # for the account I want to keep: 11447295
User name for account I want to delete: (removed by Moderator)
SB ID # for the account I want to delete: 10433015
I don’t know what the information is on the third account but want to delete it.
I have another issue, when I go to send a message, I only see the leaders and my scouts as available recipients. I do not see the other scouts in the troop or their parents. Is that something our admin needs to give me permission to access?