How do I create a permission slip?

I feel like I am missing something obvious.
I have an event that occurs tomorrow. All the RSVPs are noted in the calendar entry in advancement calendar but there is no button to create a permission slip. I can’t create one as a committee member or as a guardian. Help!


Is it still disabled?

@JohnHopkins - the permission slip button is back

It’s back for me. Are you seeing otherwise?

We have an event and are having some parents that can see and download the permission slip (albeit the file contains every scout in the troop) and other parents who cannot see the button to download on mobile or on a desktop/laptop. It’s quite frustrating.

Additionally, I do not see anywhere to click to go to the legacy calendar.

Event ID: 5744981

Are the people who see all of them registered leaders?

Im not sure. When i change my postion to the parent one, I still see them all.

Do we have any resolution on the permission slips?
I don’t see anything to create a permission slip by or for anyone as of today.



The permission slip would have to be selected in edit event