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My BSA scout is a Den Chief for our local pack. We have no other affiliation with the pack. Both of us were able to view the pack and den calendars in Scoutbook. With the move to Scoutbook Plus IA only our troop calendar is showing. There is no option in “Currently Viewing” to switch the view from our troop to the pack calendar.
Given that there is no change in our access, what is needed now to enable a Den Chief and Den Chief parent to view a pack and den calendars in the new IA calendar?
Yes, from Scoutbook in MyDashboard you can see the “upcoming events” for the pack. We do not see events for the den.
However, this isn’t helpful. As soon as you click on the event or My Calendar you are sent to Scoutbook Plus IA. Once in that app there is no way to view the pack or den calendars including the detailed event information. You cannot respond or comment either.
First, I agree it’s a bug that the parent and den chief cannot get to the pack calendar. So, anything else I say is just part of the workaround.
My son (a den chief) was able to rsvp for pack and den events from his SB dashboard. Note that I did find that at least once, he had to log into SB+IA after clicking the event from his dashboard which kicked him to his profile info. So, he went back to the SB dashboard (without closing anything) and clicked it again, which took him into the event page.
Thank you for posting, I was going in circles to try and see why I can’t see the pack calendar and no choice to subscribe to it. My son is a Den Chief, we are also no longer getting the automatic emails notifying of events.
This is a known issue that Den Chiefs cannot currently see the new Scoutbook calendar. The workaround is for someone to send the Den Chief’s family the ICS link at the bottom of the calendar page. They can then use that to add a subscription to their Google, Apple or other calendar so they can see the events.
@VinceTirri - if you are on the pack side you would not add a den chief to your roster as they are not registered nor would they be registered with the pack.
It is a known issue that Den Chiefs can’t be added to calendar invites in the new calendar. The developers are working on a fix but at this time we cannot say when it might be ready. Watch the Scoutbook - Internet Advancement Change Log - Scouting Forums for an announcement when this is fixed.
I read your posts. My den chiefs are not on my Scoutbook+IA roster. They do appear on the scoutbook side though. Do you not see them on the scoutbook roster either? From the scoutbook pack roster, I have sections for leaders, den chiefs and scouts. Is the den chief section empty? If so, did you click the add den chief button at the bottom of that?
If they were previously listed but no longer are, there are two possibilities:
Someone in the troop ended their positions.
Their membership lapsed which also ended all of their positions.
ETA our den chiefs actually do appear on the SB+IA roster. I didn’t realize that. So, I apologize for that misdirect. However, the guidance is still the same to focus on the scoutbook roster add den chief button.
Fixed it - I went back into the original Scoutbook after reading your post about “ending their positions” that wasn’t the case, but the positions were not “approved” in Scoutbook. Thanks for the walk-through; this was super frustrating and all boiled down to one toggle box not being checked.
I just went through and checked all of our Den Chiefs and all of them were missing that step. I’m going to have to advise our Committee Chair that this is going to be an additional step the Committee takes in certifying positions that get added. I’m assuming it’s an oversight requirement - though the weird email is still super annoying, but that’s life I guess.
How was the email generated? That’s not something I have encountered.
It sounds like they were added from the troop side. They then have to be approved by the pack because otherwise anyone could add a den chief and get access to your calendar.
What leads to believe I am not sincere? Your posts seem to be looking for an immediate solution. While I am pretty confident all functionally will get fixed as it gets moved over, I wanted to point out a method that won’t stop things from moving forward. Scouts don’t need electric proof. While you and the system get things figured out, using their handbooks is a completely satisfactory solution. I’m totally sincere about it.