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I’m a Pack Admin, and I can no longer see the calendar for one of the Dens in our Pack. Normally I don’t think I would have even noticed, but my son happens to be in that Den, and I thought it was just that the Den Leader had gotten lazy entering events into SB. However, tonight another parent showed me that their SB calendar has the Den events listed!
I’m also our Pack’s “Scoutbook Guy” so I’m very familiar with the site’s functionality. The Den calendar simply shows no events for me within the SB calendar or through the iCal URL that’s syncing to my Google calendar.
False alarm. Turns out it WAS that the Den Leader had not entered events into SB yet this year. I think maybe the other parent might have had the calendar loaded for another Den which just happens to be on the same weekly schedule, and shame on me for not looking at his phone more closely before posting.