IA Calendar Event: COMMENTS

Hey, thanks for the help. As an advisor get someone in the Silicon Vally CA. to make AI Better it is the lesser of the 2 systems regardless of if one is being discontinued.

And perhaps it was not explained to me so thanks for being SOOooooo helpful.

William, Why if I have my viewing currently Unit why does the AI Calendar still show all 3 units I am involved with if I have one picked to work on? Seeing all on the calendar makes it difficult to see what is happening within one unit.

Do you have the filter set toonly one calendar or multiple?

Thank you Bill.


Yes. When on the Calendar Month view scroll down and you will see the links for all you have access to.

This is one of the features that are still missing from the IA Calendar that we have found very useful in ScoutBook. It emails invited attendees when a comment is added in ScoutBook which helps us a lot.


Adding comments to the IA calendar is in the backlog.

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