IA Calendar - PACK ICAL ONLY vs (Pack # FAMILY)

Hi, the new IA calendar shows a number of ICAL feed options but I am unable to get one that is specific to PACK events. The “FAMILY” ICAL combines all the calendar feeds which is less useful for individual families who subscribe to PACK events on their mobile devices. A PACK ONLY calendar feed seems to be missing in my profile view. - Thanks, Rick

@Rick.Sedivec not sure I understand? If it is a Pack ICS on things on the Pack Calendar would be on it. It might be that Den things were added to the Pack calendar

Hi, I can use the filter on the calendar view to display the Pack calendar only. The filtered view shown below doesn’t reflect the Pack calendar feed. The Pack calendar ICS feed available to our unit has all calendars (including dens) combined.

OK I see the issue @Rick.Sedivec

Great topic. We also use this feature and I noticed the same problem this morning. Found your posts after a bit of searching. Our pack use the calendar imports and liked that the Pack feed was just pack events. The IA version needs this, too, so that families can subscribe to Pack events and their own den events. Having ALL den events in with Pack clouds up families busy calendars.

Hope to see this fixed/updated soon!

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We agree. Donovan had submitted this to the developers late last week.

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