ICS subscription displays HTML tags in Apple Calendar

Calendar events appear to include HTML tags which are parsed properly when subscribing via ICS on Google Calendar. However, when subscribing on Apple Calendar either from Mac or iPhone, the HTML is not parsed thus event descriptions look horrible:

<p>Here is my description.</p><p>This is a scout activity.</p><br><p>someURL</p><br><p>Do your best!</p>

Does anyone know how to either properly parse this in Apple Calendar or strip the HTML tags so it at least isn’t quite as unreadable?

@BenBotti - are you subscribing via URL or are you using the ICS file which would make the entries static?

That is how they look in Outlook too.

I am subscribing by URL.

I just confirmed that Outlook web shows the tags too. So, it may be that Google is the only one that renders them.

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