Incomplete Merit Badges Report Crashes

I’ve been trying for several days now to run this report. Each time I do, it spins and crashes. Can this get fixed so we can get the data we need to help the scouts?

@AndrewCollins can you copy and paste the actual report url (I see it in the picture, but it’ll be easier to pass along to developers to trouble-shoot). Is this report run from the main Scoutbook menu under reports?

It’s found when I go to troop, troop reports, incomplete merit badge report from within scoutbook.

Thank you, @AndrewCollins one other question, do you have the merit badge counselor position showing in my. Scouting?

I do, and am also a troop admin in scoutbook.

@AndrewCollins there have been some optimizations made to this report (what you are seeing is the report timing out due to a request for an overly large amount of data). Hopefully, these optimizations should fix the timeout you are receiving. Run it and let us know if it is improved for you.

Same 504 timeout. I restarted my browser as well.

OK. @AndrewCollins can you give a bit more information about the parameters of this report? How many scouts are in your unit? Are you running it for all? Is it for all merit badges? What is the sort selection you were using? This information should help the developers to look for further optimizations to prevent the time out.

80 scouts, trying to run for all merit badges. Including scouts without merit badges. Sorted by merit badge.

Ok @AndrewCollins when you have time, would you mind giving the report another go. Current timeout is 60 seconds and developers said your run was taking 65. It’s been further optimized to hopefully get it under the 60 second timeout window. Please let me know the result.

@AndrewCollins if you get a chance to try the report again, there have been a few more optimizations made and we’d like to see if this did the trick for you.

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