Individual Activities Report Issue

We have problem running individual activities report like hiking, camping, and service hours. If we go through the roster in Scoutbook Plus, navigate to an scout’s activity page and click on “Run Report” function nothing happens and no report gets generated.

Next, if we try to get to the activity log report trough Scoutbook we get an empty pdf

Is there any solution to get an individual log report for our scouts. We use it for Board of Reviews and we have one coming this Wednesday.


@DiyanaMiriyala I have reported this issue to the developers.

As of today (2/11/25) there is still no way to run an Activity Report in Scoutbook Plus. This function was working up until 2 or 3 weeks ago. The “Run Report” drop down on the Scoutbook Roster page now has less options and the “Activities Summary Report” does not work. Also the “Run Report” function on the SB Plus - Youth Profile page does not work either.