SB+ Feature Requests for Activity Logs


Would the project manager for SB+ consider adding an option to specifically choose the Scouts (or Scouters/adults) to run an activity log report? Currently is it everyone (with toggles for current members, including adults, etc.). Sometimes it is just much easier to run a report against a subset of the Troop (for example, the Scouts working on the Hiking merit badge, or similar).

I would also like to propose adding cycling and canoeing/kayaking duration and mileage to the activity logs for Scouts. Whether that be an option for individual Scouts to enter on their own, or a Troop Admin (or both), it doesn’t matter to me. I’ve seen this has been requested on occasion for several years now (in the “Your topic is similar to…” window).

If you just checkmark the scouts you want on roster then Activity Log Report - it is there already. Same with Activity Summary Report

There is an item in the backlog to add additional activities but we do not know if or when the BSA will schedule it for development time.

Should that be the assumption for all reports, etc.; do selections from the roster, then run selected reports? With Roster and Reports being separate items on the left, it didn’t occur to me to try that.

But you need Troop Admin privs to select Scouts on the roster. But you can run a report without having troop admin privs for the whole Troop. There’s a disconnect there.

I would also like to know if it is only scout unit related activities in the log as far as camping and hiking goes, or is it family activities also. We are Cub Scouts not Scouts BSA if that matters for your answer.

Units run the logs somewhat differently, so there isn’t a hard-and-fast rule of how they are used.

The logs are often used as a quick-reference for computing things like camping nights for various awards, which becomes increasingly useful as a scout moves into Scouts BSA, Venturing and/or Sea Scouting. For those purposes, it may appear “cleanest” if there are only “under the auspices of the BSA” events logged. That said, there are some awards and advancement items (like certain merit badges) where not all of the activities are explicitly required to be “under the auspices of the BSA”. I’m thinking in particular of Hiking MB, although there may be others. So, there are some nuances to how the logs can be used. I would suggest that, if non-BSA activities are included, a “flag” of some sort on the front of the activity name (e.g. “**FAM-**EventName”) to make it easier to filter those manually.

Personal logs can be entered as the logs are the Scouts and not the units - unit leaders will just not approve the logs so they stay off Reports