Individual Advancement Report

Unit advancement chair here. With the new update for 2022 Eagle Requirements including CIS MB, if you manually change a scout to the 2016 requirements because they will be earning Eagle prior to July 1, records all appear correct in Scoutbook again. However, when you run an individual advancement report on scoutbook, only 20 merit badges get listed and the 21st gets pushed to a palm. Is there a way to fix this bug so when the report is run for Eagle, it matches what is correct and showing in scoutbook? Screenshot attached of an example. Thanks!

This is a known issue. The fix is in development and will be released soon.

help, I can’t figure out how to post a new bug. the individual advancement record is printing on two pages for every scout and there are only three lines on the second page. eagle requirements: 5,6,7
please submit this bug. It’s very wasteful to print a blank page when the font could be adjusted and it be on one page. I realize folks with palm mbs are going to have two pages, but they are more rare. chad coble

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We are discussing options to fix this.

For now, print on both sides of the page, distribute PDFs or teach the Scouts & families how to use Scoutbook so they can see the data for themselves.

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Another option is that our scouts do a “manual sync” between their handbook and Scoutbook.

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