Initial on an MB

Who can mark the initial on an MB on the digital Scoutbook if the SM is not using SB online version though he marked it on the printed blue cards?


How the blue card works

For information on how the application for merit badge form (blue card) works see pages 40-41 of the Guide to Advancement. My understanding is that there are three parts to the blue card and that the Scoutbook has an electronic version of each blue card. I will let a Scoutbook expert answer your Scoutbook procedure question. I suspect Scoutbook has an article in its help section.


  • Boy Scouts of America. The Merit Badge Program. In: Guide to Advancement. 2021. 2022 Reprint ed. Irving, Tex.: Boy Scouts of America Inc.; ©2021. pp. 40-51.
  • Boy Scouts of America. ©2019. Scouts BSA Handbook for Boys. 14 ed. Book. Vol. 34622. Irving, Tex.: Boy Scouts of America Inc.
  • Boy Scouts of America. ©2019. Scouts BSA Handbook for Girls. 14 ed. Book. Vol. 39006. Irving, Tex.: Boy Scouts of America Inc.


Any troop admin can. Who should is a different question to work out with your troop and council.


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