Integrate Scoutbook events with other websites

Is there a way to link Scoutbook to a unit website, Facebook group, Google calendar, or other such so that it automatically creates events from entries there? It would be great to be able to create/edit an event once from a central nexus and have it populate out to as many other linked online forums as possible.

It depends on the other Calendar

You can get the ics feed for calendars on the calendar page by clicking subscribe

Screenshot 2020-01-23 12.11.22 Screenshot 2020-01-23 12.11.32

Some calendars allow you to feed in an ICS

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Thanks, but if I understand your comment correctly, I want to go the other way–have Scoutbook create an event from a calendar entry, not have Scoutbook events populate to a calendar. I’m not greatly tech-savvy, so perhaps I missed the point?

Scoutbook does not have the ability to import events from other calendars.

evidently not now, no. I am hoping that this is the new feature request forum. I think such an ability would be great!

Depending on what format you have your other calendar data in (or into which you can export it), you can use the Feature Assistant Extension to import calendar events to Scoutbook.

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Were we are in Scoutbook development, and all the things that are touching the calendar now (DLE, SB, Scouting APP, things in the works). I doubt this will ever happen

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