I can’t get the Training Manager tool to work. Is anyone else having issues with it?
I haven’t used it in a couple months, but it used to be in in the menu of the legacy dashboard of my.scouting under the section for my unit. All I see there now is Trained Leader Report and YPT Reports which both work. I found a thread here that indicated Training Manager can be accessed from Scoutbook so I went to my unit’s page and found My.Scouting Training Manager on the Troop Reports menu. It takes me to a legacy-style page with “my.Scouting | Training Manager” at the top and a box on the left for my unit with the options Dashboard, Add/Search, and Reports. The rest of the page is blank and the URL ends in “training-manager/error”. When I click on Add/Search or Reports I’m taken to a 403 error page that says, “You do not have access to this trail”.
I have been the Unit Training Chair for my troop for several years. When I view my profile in Scoutbook I see both Committee Member and Unit Training Chair listed under Current Troop Positions and Roles.
Is it broken for everyone? If it’s just me, who do I contact about resolving the issue?
Thanks, Mark
@MarkNoll1 - I would first suggest that you have one on the unit key 3 verify that you have been assigned the training role in my.scouting.org / organization security settings.
Training Manager is under your unit tab along with with the training reports. There is a problem that I have previously addressed. I am the training chair for 3 units and see the 3 options on two units on the third I do not show Training Manager but show the two reports. I have confirmed I am properly assigned. I haven’t jump in on this as all the leaders in this unit are dual registered in one of the others so no issue for me.
@MarkNoll1 As @Stephen_Hornak suggested, please contact one of your unit’s Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) and have them use the Organization Security Manager at my.scouting and redesignate you. You might need to wait 24 hours after they redesignate you. (Please be aware that the Unit Training Chair function role at my.scouting expires at the end of every charter year.)
Something else to try is using an incognito or private window in your browser.
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I am having no luck getting intro training. My.Scouting.org > successfully logged in, then when I click on training courses by program, I get this error (for any of the programs):
{“status”:500,“name”:“InternalServerError”,“message”:“The server could not process the request, please try again later.”}
Help… just want to take training.
When I click any of the “Training Courses by Program” options, I get the "{“status”:500,“name”:“InternalServerError”,“message”:"The server could not process the request, please try again later.”}”
PastedGraphic-5.pdf (122 KB)

I have tried 3 different browsers and I’m having the same issue. I’ve cleared my cache and cookies. The training still won’t load. I get the following error.
504 Gateway Time-out
Yes, it is down for me as well.
I am not certain if the training site is on a cluster with round robin, but certainly everyone is going to a singular site so there is no expectation that each person would have a different experience outside of internet provider issues.
This topic isn’t really the right place for this. Training Manager seems to be working fine. It is scouterU that is not working.
Thank you. I can pull my post if you want
Just wanted to make the distinction clear for everyone.
@JohnGeiser - ah yes. It is easy to mix them up. I wish I knew if it was a single host or a cluster. A cluster would flip active/passive if in maintenance mode on a host in the cluster.
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Hi Bill… just saw your reply from June. My YPT is about to run out and I’m trying to take it again and this problem hasn’t gone away. I would agree - my issue appears to be with the BSA Learn Center, but that doesn’t really help me resolve it. Any ideas? Yours in Scouting - Brent.
Josh - did you ever resolve this? I’m still having the issue.
@BrentMellow - I just had a new leader successfully complete YPT within the last week and no issues noted by them.
The issue is probably related to be using google to login for authentication; When I try to revert to the scoutbook credentials, I can’t because my username is 7 characters… and it is greyed out and I can’t change it. My issue is an authentication one. Trying to figure out who can change my username (not my email).
@BrentMellow you will need to work with your Council for that issue.
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