Issues with multi Scout IDs

Hello all,

I have two Scout ID’s, I cannot get them merged for whatever the reason is, but it’s now causing issues with logging into My.Scouting and Scoutbook. When I log into My.Scouting with my primary Scout ID, I see all my positions and information… When I log into Scoutbook with the same credentials, I do not see anything.

103650982 - Primary ID → All positioned tied to this ID (My.Scouting)
132060927 - Secondary ID (My.Scouting)

If I switch to Secondary ID in My.Scouting, then I can see everything in Scoutbook, but CANNOT see anything in My.Scouting.

Apparently, I also have two Scoutbook IDs:
Scoutbook ID - 12092057
Scoutbook ID - 532019

Thanks for your help,


This is fixed.

You have registrations on both 103650982 and 132060927 which will prevent the Council from merging them.

The 2nd Scoutbook account was created when you switched the primary MID in and logged in to Scoutbook. To prevent this from happening again, do not make MID 132060927 primary in

Thank you so much Ed! I appreciate the quick response!

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