Hello all,
I have two Scout ID’s, I cannot get them merged for whatever the reason is, but it’s now causing issues with logging into My.Scouting and Scoutbook. When I log into My.Scouting with my primary Scout ID, I see all my positions and information… When I log into Scoutbook with the same credentials, I do not see anything.
103650982 - Primary ID → All positioned tied to this ID (My.Scouting)
132060927 - Secondary ID (My.Scouting)
If I switch to Secondary ID in My.Scouting, then I can see everything in Scoutbook, but CANNOT see anything in My.Scouting.
Apparently, I also have two Scoutbook IDs:
Scoutbook ID - 12092057
Scoutbook ID - 532019
This happened last year. I never switched to the secondary number in my.scouting; for some reason the system switched itself I don’t know why.
Thanks for your help,