Hello to all. I have to say that I love and am very excited about the feature assistant extension. I just downloaded it and am still learning how to use the new features. I had heard there was a way to post a campout registration cost that would automatically generate a debit on a scout’s account when they rsvp for the event on scoutbook. However, I can’t seem to find a way to add the cost on the event page. Any help would be very much appreciated.
The feature has been requested, but does not exist yet.
Thank you for letting me know. Do you know if I can obtain the same (or similar) result by using quick entry to add a debit for the particular calendar entry? And then a credit to cover? Are there any existing reports that would show when a scout has paid? Thank you for all you do for this amazing product. Being able to print an RSVP report is a real game changer for our troop! Do you happen to know why I can only select one troop for that report? We have both a girls troop and a boys troop and the only option I have for the report is the boy troop.
You can do quick entry for payments and debits using the extension. However, producing a report by event isn’t available.
The RSVP report should show any calendar option that was selected for the specific event. Check to make sure the girls troop is invited on the event.
The girl troop has been invited and have rsvp’d. I actually see two duplicate events on my calendar–one for the boy troop and one for the girl troop. But I still don’t get the option to run the report for them, even when I am viewing the girls troop event. Do you think you could help with this?
Can you take a screen shot of your Event Details and show me? Like this one:
Do both Troops show up in the Calendar field?
Thank you for helping me. The boys’ troop is 13B and the girls’ troop is 13G. We have one girls patrol, the Nuclear Narwhals. Here is the screenshot of the calendar event:
and here is an image of the dialog box I get when I click on the RSVP report…
I edited the screen shot posted above to remove the names and images of youth.
Thanks for the screen shot - I see what is happening.
The RSVP report is a unit level report, not a report for individual patrols or dens. The report itself can then be sorted by dens/patrols by clicking on the heading.
In your event, you have the whole boys troop (a unit) and only one patrol from the girls troop. Since the whole girls troop (a unit) is not selected in the event details, the extension doesn’t know about it!
Edavignon, Thank you all for editing my screen shots. I will be more careful next time. Gary, I see what you are saying. However, scoutbook does not give me the option of selecting 13G as a unit. Maybe because there is only one patrol in the unit? I took screenshots so you could see what I mean. There are two because I could not fit the entire drop down box on one screenshot. You can see that there is an option to chose 13B, followed by each patrol in 13B, and then 13G is listed, but as a patrol only. And 13 G is definitely listed as a separate unit on scout book. Should I create a dummy patrol in 13G to see if that fixes the problem?
Ahhh, I see. I’m guessing you are an admin in the boys troop but in the girls troop you are only a patrol admin. Is that correct?
You are exactly right. I am going to have that fixed, and let you know if that solves my report issue. Thank you so much.
Gary, you were 100% correct. I am all set now and have complete RSVP reports to prove it! Thank you so much. I love the extension!
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