Is there a link between the Calendar events and service,camping and Hiking logs. It would be easier to enter the service hours, etc if there was a link between the attendance feature in the calendar events and the logs. This would eliminateing having to enter service hours, etc for each scout individually.
There is not, though that’s been a commonly requested update.
The logic to handling it properly is actually quite complex, since Scouts may show up early, depart late, not do all of the activities listed in the calendar, etc.
Maybe there is a way to add it with an approval process where a designated adult leader with approval rights has to go in and approve the hours prior to it being officially counted. I just think adding one by one is time consuming. We have 60 scouts in our troop and lots of events going on at the same time, keeping track on the calandar event of who is present would make it quicker to process. Of course it wouldn’t replace the scout’s responsibility to track who is at the service project, but makes the process a little easier.
The Feature Assistant Extension simplifies entering log data for multiple scouts, and I highly recommend it for you.
Consider a “typical” camp out (I’ve laid this out in another post somewhere, but it applies here): We have two scouts that are in their high school marching band, so they won’t come to the camp out until Saturday morning. Two other scouts leave for part of the day on Saturday for baseball and soccer games. One scout leaves Saturday evening because his religious ed class is at 8am on Sunday before church. Another scout has special needs, and doesn’t do overnights unless his dad can stay overnight as well, so he comes out Friday evening, goes home, comes back Saturday for the day, and goes home again.
That’s six scouts that went to the same event, but should have radically different info recorded in their camping, hiking, and service logs for the same event. How do you automate updating their logbooks when everyone did different parts of the activity?
I agree this is a difficult problem to solve, however I think if we could have a general link with an audit/approval process that gives the user an edit option then you will only have to fix those scouts that have a different record. This eliminates the majority of the data entry. I still think it needs a closer look at by scoutbook to find a workable solution that helps eliminated the duplicate data entries.
While not connected to the calendar, Quick Entry is available for Service / Camping / Hiking logs.
There is also a “Quick Entry Log” feature available as part of the Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook, which pre-fills some information based off of calendar attendance.
I completely agree with you AnnaRapoza. Not having these features linked creates a lot of extra work.
Related, is there a way to use the Quick Entry feature to add adults to Camping and Service Hour projects? And a way to create a report for nights camping? Thanks!
Adults cannot edit other adults’ logs, so there’s no QE support for that. It’s only available for youth.
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