March 12, 2020 Scoutbook Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Archery Merit Badge
    • A typographical error in Archery Merit Badge requirement 5B(2) has been corrected in the 2014, 2016 and 2019-20 versions.
  • Council Admin Functions
    • The troop gender designation was missing from the Council Users csv export file. Troops will now be listed with the B or G designation.
  • Individual Advancement Record
    • The Individual Advancement Record (IAR) has not been supported for Cub Scouts for several years because the BSA never produced an updated IAR for the program changes. The Advancement Record link that was on the Cub Scout rank page has been removed. Use the Cub Scout History Report to generate a report of a Cub Scout’s advancement and awards.
  • Merit Badge Approval
    • An issue that caused the Merit Badge Counselor approval to be deleted when a Merit Badge or Merit Badge requirement was marked leader approved has been fixed. Merit Badge Counselor approval will remain in Scoutbook.
  • Needs Purchasing Report
    • An issue that prevented Crew and Ship admins from accessing the Needs Purchasing Report if they did not also hold a Pack or Troop admin role has been fixed. All unit admins should be able to access the Needs Purchasing Report.
  • Venturing Adult Participant
    • An issue that prevented some Venturing Adult Participants from showing membership in the Crew on the Scout’s membership page has been fixed. Any Venturing Adult Participant should now have their membership in the Crew properly displayed.

New Features

  • 2020 Merit Badge Updates
    • Merit Badge changes for 2020 are now included in Scoutbook. Scouts starting a new Merit Badge must use the latest version available.
  • Bear Rank Badge
    • The image of the Bear Rank badge has been updated to reflect the new design. Due to the way Scoutbook is designed, all instances of the Bear Rank badge will show the new design, even if the Scout earned the prior design of the badge.
  • Calendar
    • Guests can now be invited to unit events via the calendar. A new field External Guest: has been added to the Edit Event screen. To invite guest(s), enter their e-mail address(es) in the External Guest: field. Separate multiple addresses with a comma. NOTE: guest e-mail address are not saved and invitations are only sent if Send Now is used under Manage Reminders. Subsequent reminders are not sent and guests cannot RSVP nor be included in attendance.
  • Change Log
  • Messages and Calendars Rich Text
    • Scoutbook now supports BB Code ordered un-ordered lists in messages, calendar descriptions and calendar reminders. See Listing items with BBCode for examples on how to create lists.