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It would be very helpful in the xxx_download_-date-.csv file to have the concatenated MBs in alphabetic order.
Random order isn’t a problem when a counselor has only 5-6, but when there are 10 or more, it’s hard to make sure each one is there when making adds/deletes.
This is a very simple SQL “ORDER BY” addition (similar in other languages).
It appears MB names are currently presented in the order they were first submitted. I’ve tried resubmitting a record with the MBs stated in alpha order and the update program just checks that the MBs are there, but doesn’t re-order them.
Pete T.
I’m an administrator that adds/deletes MBs to counselors in my council.
Administration - Manage Approved Merit Badge Counselor List.
There are 2 files that can be downloaded. One is for uploading to make changes and has only 4 columns. The other one is the same file but with all information included.
Both files show a list of approved MBs for each counselor. The MBs are concatenated, separated by commas, in a single column. This concatenation should be displayed in alpha order. Currently it is just in random order, based i believe on the order submitted.
As always, thanks for the info. Yes, I was aware of that. But I have to work from the file I d/l from SB when I am doing MB adds/deletes.
Almost every language has a command similar to SQL’s “ORDER BY”. So I thought my suggestion would be a fairly simple add for your programmers.
This is obviously a “nice-to-have” not a showstopper.
I have submitted the request to the developers.
This functionality in SB will be replaced next year by a tool in IA so there is no guarantee it will be worked on but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
I wait with baited breath ;-} for that tool. LOL
I remember sending in a wish list for that tool. If you need someone outside the SUAC to test it I’m available.
yes, same team. They are busy with IA Calendar, then IA support for Requirements & Messaging, and then I think they are making time for MBC tools next year. No specific time frame though.