New MBC report list issue

Continuing the discussion from New MBC list report in

Great news that we have easy access to a current MBC list. However, the report will only sort by MB counselor name or city. It would really be helpful if we can easily sort by Merit Badge. This is how you would look for an available MBC for a specific badge.

Currently, all of a MBC’s badges are lumped (concatenated) in a single field. Yes, It can be broken down and placed in multiple fields using some Excel “black magic”. But it’s not a quick fix, nor easy for the average Scouter.

Just a suggestion! (I’m just saying!)

This report is not meant for distribution is meant if I understand correctly for district admin team to see exactly who is registered for what badge as they do not have access to the Scoutbook listing. Units can sort the view the list in Scoutbook by badge and display currently registered counselors there. They will only show in Scoutbook if there YPT is current. You can also export this report as a csv file and sort it that way.

The Scoutbook MBC search results are not exportable at the request of multiple councils.

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There is a export option on that report. I just exported it to excel just now.


Permissions limited option maybe? I’m a district K3D.

Yes this is a district and council report. You can export it and manipulate it in excel. Including filter.

The reports available to units are available in Scoutbook and they are not exportable by the request of councils. Since the report available to units is updated daily, I am not sure the value of exporting them since any list will grow stale within 24 hours.

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To find who counsels a particular badge, say, swimming:
Export the list to Excel. Click on the header row, Turn filters on, and click on the pull down in the Merit Badges column. Type in the name of the badge you are looking for.


All the more reason for having a sort by MB option, on the report page, prior to downloading to Excel. As many of the newer reports do.

There probably won’t be a sort since all the MBs are in one column, but I have asked for a filter on a merit badge in the report page.

Bill, from a discussion on another thread, can we get some clarification on which functional roles should have access to this report at the district and council levels?

Those council and district members who can access member manager can access the report.

Bill Nelson

Functional District and Functional areas that have access to the report:


Extended Key 3

Commissioner - Opted In Councils

Unit Key 3

Key 3 Delegate

District Key 3

Role type for councils that have opted in.

Area Key 3

Region Key 3

National IDG

Council Key 3


National Key 3



Bill Nelson

The new MBC report has been updated to allow for filtering by badge


OK I think I understand but let me restate in a little bit different form to see if I got it right:

Unit Key 3 / Key 3 Delegate. I noticed that this report is not available from the unit roster.
District Key 3 / Key 3 Delegate.
Council Key 3 / Key 3 Delegate.
Area Key 3
Region Key 3
National Key 3

Commissioners at each level

Membership and Training are not clear to me - is it the committee member or just the committee chair with access? Also, wouldn’t we want Advancement to have access to this report since they are involved in approving the counselors?

Thanks for your efforts in getting this change implemented.
With this filter, this now becomes a useful report for finding a specific MBC for a Unit Leader or a Scout, on an obscure Merit Badge!

I’m a bit confused. Unit leaders have access to counselor information, nationwide via Scoutbook.

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Membership and training are chairs. The people in their committees are registered as district or council committee members, not identified as being on a specific committee.

Bill, thanks for the clarification. I asked because there are district functional roles in Position Manager for both Chair and Member of the Training and Membership committees. I assume the same is true at the council level but I am unable to check.

@Christopher.Schuster - the advantage is really for district and council volunteers who are not registered with units and have no access to Scoutbook.

Finding and providing a counselor for a Scout is the responsibility of the Scoutmaster and all units have access to Scoutbook.

A Scoutmaster could logon for the first time and within a few minutes find a counselor for any badge.

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