Merge Scoutbook scouts and correct spelling if their names

The following scouts have duplicate Scoutbook accounts. Can we combine them to ensure that all their awards/advancements are merged together?

The scouts were created a scoutbook account by the troop or parent before registration with council; however, when they were registered through the council, their name in scoutbook and their registration did not match so a new account was created.

  1. Name: XXXXXXXXXX (please correct spelling: XXXXXXXXXX)

BSA #: 137183205

UserID: 11759285

Duplicate Account Information:


BSA #:136465338

  1. XXXXXXXXXX (this is the correct spelling)

BSA #: 14090175

User ID:12352312

Duplicate Account Information


UserID: 12018694

  1. XXXXXXXXXX (please correct spelling: XXXXXXXXXX)

BSA #:14090179

User ID: 12352313

Duplicate Account Information


User ID: 12057501

  1. XXXXXXXXXX (this is the correct spelling)

BSA #: 14090161

User ID: 12352311

Duplicate Account Information


User ID: 12018700

Thank you

Marinel Dealdo
Troop 118

You need to contact your Council to correct names.

I’m looking into this.

These are all fixed.

When creating a Scoutbook account before an application is processed, it is critical the legal name and date of birth be entered into Scoutbook. Duplicates were created in these cases because of name and/or DOB differences.

As I said earlier, you need to contact your Council to fix the names. We do not have the ability to edit names.

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