The following scouts have duplicate Scoutbook accounts. Can we combine them to ensure that all their awards/advancements are merged together?
The scouts were created a scoutbook account by the troop or parent before registration with council; however, when they were registered through the council, their name in scoutbook and their registration did not match so a new account was created.
- Name: XXXXXXXXXX (please correct spelling: XXXXXXXXXX)
BSA #: 137183205
UserID: 11759285
Duplicate Account Information:
BSA #:136465338
- XXXXXXXXXX (this is the correct spelling)
BSA #: 14090175
User ID:12352312
Duplicate Account Information
UserID: 12018694
- XXXXXXXXXX (please correct spelling: XXXXXXXXXX)
BSA #:14090179
User ID: 12352313
Duplicate Account Information
User ID: 12057501
- XXXXXXXXXX (this is the correct spelling)
BSA #: 14090161
User ID: 12352311
Duplicate Account Information
User ID: 12018700
Thank you
Marinel Dealdo
Troop 118