Merit Badge Counselor Lookup and Connections

I am trying to understand how Scouts can connect with Merit Badge Counselors (MBCs). Please set me straight on who can do what.

I know that Scoutmasters can look up who consoles a particular badge in Scoutbook based on zipcode. Can any others? I was recently told that Scouts can, but my daughter doesn’t seem to have the same fields.

It seems as though parents, if they know the counselor’s name, can connect their Scout to a particular MBC, correct? Parents can’t look up MBCs, right? That is still something that is supposed to be done by the SM.

MBCs can now connect to Scouts if they know the Scout’s name, correct?

Any leader in a Troop, Crew or Ship can search for MBCs.

Any adult with a full control connection can connect an MBC to the Scout if they have the MBCs name, BSA Member ID or email address. MBCs can connect to a Scout if they have the Scout’s BSA Member ID and last name. An email is sent to the parents and unit Key 3 if an MBC connects this way.

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