Help! My messaging in scoutbook is sending out the same message over and over- I received my morning message 50 times. It happened again this evening with a single message being sent out 42 times. How do you report a glitch?
This has already been reported. Thank you.
Will a notice be sent out when it is corrected? I would like to refrain from sending more messages with so many duplicates.
It will be noted in the scoutbook change log forum. I’d suggest subscribing to that.
Is there an ETA on the fix? We have a large Troop so a Troop wide email results in the sender receiving 100s of copies. Recipients receive one email but the sender gets a copy for every recipient.
ETAs are rarely, if ever, shared. This is a big bug, so I assume they are working hard on it. Depending on the bug, they have released fixes “out of cycle”. If not, it would be fixed usually on a Wednesday night.
The same thing happened to me this morning. This is especially obnoxious since we have several new scouts and I really don’t want them to think I send 50 messages in a day.
I hope it gets fixed soon.
Looks like the BCCs are going to the sender (me, in this case) and the recipient, but not as BCCs, rather going in the To column. FYI: This breaks YPT as it is an email between the sender and a youth without another person copied.
This issue has been fixed.
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