Scouts listed multiple times under parents in the send messages list in Scoutbook.
Can someone PM me so I can screenshot this?
Thank you.
Scouts listed multiple times under parents in the send messages list in Scoutbook.
Can someone PM me so I can screenshot this?
Thank you.
Typically this is because of duplicate connections or duplicate accounts for the Scout.
We don’t actually need a screen shot. Post the Scout’s BSA Member ID (no names) and we can determine the cause and possibly fix it.
Ok, Thanks.
Here are all the Parent and Scout IDs and how my times the scouts are listed under the parents.
These all seem to be occurring of recent scouts that were moved into a new or different den all over the last 3 or 4 days using the new Scoutbook Plus Roster
The scout that is listed 3 times, was originally moved into one den, then I had to move him to a different den. He was the only scout that I moved twice.
Not sure if its actually related, but it seems to match the scouts that I have moved around to different dens using the Scoutbook Plus Roster over the last few days. I have had no issues prior to this.
Parent ID 140266096
Scout ID 140266097 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Scout ID 140266100 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 140533638
Scout ID 140266097 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Scout ID 140266100 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 141121057
Scout ID 141121512 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 140506773
Scout ID 140506801 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 140517883
Scout ID 140506801 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 141089114
Scout ID 141089115 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 141007085
Scout ID 141007086 (Listed 3x Under Parent)
Parent ID 41082757
Scout ID 141082793
Scout ID 141082773 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
Parent ID 141123576
Scout ID 141123577 (Listed 2x Under Parent)
I am just following up on this to see if there a solution to this.
@DarrenFerlazzo the issue is You have multiple connections to the Scouts - I think there is an open story on this
All…I just confirmed this happens. Every time a scout is moved from one den to another in Scoutbook Plus, it adds an additional connection of the scout to the parent.
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