Messages - Send Message - Use BCC NOT WORKING

In the Scoutbook Messages section, within Send Message, the “Use BCC” checkbox is no longer working. It was working a few weeks ago, but this week I have sent messages and noticed regardless of the setting that ALL messages are sent as BCC. Also noticed the Reply-To is being set as a Scoutbook Do Not Reply address (,but there is already a post on the forum for that issue (only mentioning because it could all be related).

This is important that this BCC/no-BCC works when you are required to have other Leaders on emails/chains and also when you want to include other Leaders for communications with a parent, etc.

It defaults to “on” for BCC, but even if you Uncheck the Use BCC, it still sends all emails out as BCC right now.

Not sure who fixes Scoutbook bugs or even looks into them, but please help.

Thank you!


Brian Fox
Wolf Den Leader
Assistant Cubmaster
Pack 896 (



I have duplicated the BCC issue and notified the developers.

The Reply-To: issue is in development and the fix will be released soon.


I’ve noticed the same issue and it’s made me panic that my message only when to me because I UNCHECKED the box both times it has happened. I tend to uncheck the box when sending a message to a subset of Scouts and Scout families (but have done it for mass messages too). The reason being is that once sent…If I have to reply to the whole group again I can just do that from my inbox where my message resides vs. having to go back into Scoutbook and send a completely new message (which takes time and if a subgroup I have to remember who to select). I use that “reply all” particularly when I’m informing parents that we are leaving an event or activity so they can be at our pickup point on time. I hope this is just a bug and will be fixed, but not having that functionality makes things way less efficient and I don’t have time for inefficiency. Have too many other things going on as I’m running the Troop.

Thank you Ed! @edavignon
Very much appreciate your time sir!

Saw a change today (for the worse)! (The “Use BCC” unchecked, for no BCC, still does not work.)

Now, if you send an email out via Scoutbook, it sends it BCC and sends a separate email to you for EACH and EVERY addressee.

If you are a pack of 59 Scouts and send to all scouts + leaders, you then will get say 70 emails coming to your email address! That is really bad if it has attachments (a lot of space usage into your email account).

The solution (assuming it is related at all) is worse than before. haha

The “Reply-To” issue seems to have been fixed though! So take the good with the bad I guess.


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I noticed today that when sending messages, I get copied on each email sent to leaders, parents and scouts. This is clearly the result of development change because I am using the same configuration used for the last couple of years. In two cases today, I used Chrome with the features extension plug-in and leave the “Use BCC” checked.


Any updates on estimated timeframe for resolution. Sending with or without bcc still had no impact on what emails are displayed in the to line. This is creating quite a bit of confusion for our parents and scoutmasters.


@VincentSbrocchi A couple of issue have already been fixed. What is the issue that still exists?

If you send to multiple people and uncheck bcc … it does not show all recipients on the to line of email that is received. One example would be if you send to a scout and uncheck bcc … you do not see the parents on the to line like you would before this issue. As a result a scout can do reply all and it will not send to their parents as it would a couple weeks ago because all recipients are not on the to line, and the reply only goes to the person who originated the email in scoutbook.

If you need any additional info just let me know.


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I have duplicated this and sent it to the developers for investigation.


Just confirmed that this functionality is still broken. 10/26/22.

When most items are fixed, they are called out in the weekly change long. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise, no matter how frustrating, that it is still broken.

A message with BCC unchecked is still not working as of 10/31/22. How can we rely on this system when such a fundamental setting is broken?

Why do things break so often, and stay broken for more than a day after it is detected, for such a large organization with its level of funding?


The BSA does not have an unlimited IT budget. The developers have had higher priority issues they are working on. It will be worked on shortly.

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Please advise the users of Scoutbook if the BCC/not BCC option will not be repaired. For obvious reasons, YPT, adults and scouts need to make sure there is transparency and other adults copied on all communications within scout book and the troops messaging, etc. that all individuals (adults and scouts) can easily see that the messages have the proper people copied. The liability issue with this could become quite troublesome and I don’t believe that this has been going on for 16 days as of this thread and longer if anyone does a search for the BCC in Scoutbook issue. Please, I beg of the administrators of this platform, repair this feature immediately. This leaves adult volunteers vulnerable as they are trying to support their troop and keep all communications with scouts and individuals aware that there is at least 2 deep coverage on messages.

Those that know don’t read these forums. There is no one to advise us. When it is fixed, it will be communicated.

The SUAC has the ability to pass along requests and the top priorities of the users, but we don’t get the final say. We continue to push for this one.

This is still not fixed and it should be a high priority. Not only does it cause problems for the reasons mentioned above it prevents users from using reply all. This is a train wreck because if you need to respond to the entire Troop you have to do it through Scoutbook which starts a brand new email chain and mass confusion. Please prioritize this.

As @jacobfetzer noted directly above your post, SUAC continues to push for prioritization of this issue.

The only way for us as volunteers (which BTW includes the SUAC folks) to apply greater pressure is to ask our respective council professionals to request that BSA national prioritize the fix. The council professionals have the ability to push issues directly to national staff, who may be able to rearrange the priorities. You might have the most effect if your arguments are couched in terms of the risks generated by the issue.

Keep in mind, however, that it may not move the ball much if the “higher priority issues” to which @edavignon was alluding above were preparing for the global system outage (and presumably to whatever “work” that outage was intended to facilitate). If it’s another “project”, however, enough council professionals pushing might be able to move them off top dead center on reprioritizing the issue.

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