Missing Application Status in Application Manager


When accessing the Application Manager in My Scouting on Windows 11 Desktop with Edge or Brave browsers, recently completed applications are not displaying when I select the MORE INFO link.

The expected behavior I have witnessed before was that the Application Status will list details of the Completed applications along with a link to download a PDF copy of the application.

How do I get access to download the completed application?


@RonaldBlaisdell Please see Rick’s post above.

I am able to reproduce. My role is Key 3 Delegate.

While I am not 100% certain on this, I believe there was a mistake originally, and the application should NOT be downloadable as it contains PII.

I will double check.

@RonaldBlaisdell Seems like at least some of the information should be accessible, but maybe not downloadable (due to the PII).

Units should be able to see when individuals joined the unit.

That information is in Roster.

@RonaldBlaisdell All I can find is a “Record of Change” report, but it seems pretty buggy. It also only includes Scouts who are dropped, but not added or transfers.

You simply go into the unit roster (not the reports menu), from the Print menu in the roster there are several reports, youth, youth and adults, adults.

@RonaldBlaisdell There isn’t a joined date. There is only an expiration date.

Jennifer - all new registrations are good for one year. So, if the expire on 9/15/24, they joined 9/16/23 (accounting for leap year).

I don’t remember receiving specific training on how volunteers should manage Personally Identifiable Information (PII). However, you’re right to point out that this is a concern, especially when using third-party services. Despite this, we need the details of the applications to confirm the profile information for approval.

As for the Application Status list, it currently doesn’t show any details for the 8 completed applications. It only provides a count and an empty list.

Thank you for the post @Rick.Sedivec,

I had never noticed this feature until you posted!

Sorry, this is a bunny trail. The join date can be calculated. But you already know this @JenniferOlinger. Because the BSA registration system doesn’t track the day, only the month, credit for joining starts the first of the month. And expiration is always last of the month. So take the expiration date, subtract 1 year and add 1 day, Doing this with expiring 2025-01-31, yields joining 2024-02-01. Adjust for leap year as needed.

However, the SB / IA system does allow for entering the actual day in the Date Joined Scouts BSA field. I typically use the date the scout first attended with the intent to join. This often is different than the calculated date above.

@RonaldBlaisdell If I’m trying to figure out who joined the unit and when, the expiration date doesn’t help very much, because it’s a one year period.

The Application Manager was very simple, because it showed which Scouts / adult leaders joined the unit, when they joined, and whether they were new / transfer / multiple membership.

And join date may have been obfuscated with the recent change to one date


Please check your example. I believe all memberships start on the first of the month the registered, not the exact date.

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Never said I was an expert on Application Manager, I only know what is documented!

Hi, when the filter is applied for an Application Status on 7 closed applications I click the SHOW RESULTS link and no data is displayed. No data is listed.

When successful in the past I could view each record as shown in the second screen capture provided here.

Please advise.

@Rick.Sedivec Please contact your local council for assistance. They might need to submit a help ticket on your behalf.