After our last Pack Meeting of the year on June 3, I went into Scoutbook to mark the adventures and Ranks as Awarded. None of the Webelos scouts were listed as needing anything in the Needs Awarding Report. I am the Webelos Den Leader and Advancement Chair, so I know there are Webelos who need their Adventures marked Awarded and I have the permissions to do so.
The only way I found in Scoutbook Plus to do this is one scout at a time and one adventure at a time.
Why is Scoutbook no longer showing Webelos Dens in the Needs Awarding Report? Is there a better/easier way to do this in Scoutbook Plus?
Are these Webelos or AOL Scouts? If AOL Scouts (that is a new position to system) and we hope for a fix very soon - watch the change log.
Now AOL scouts.
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