Needs Purchasing and Needs Awarding Report Not Showing Webelos Adventures or Rank Badge

Bug: I have one Scout who was marked approved for Cast Iron Chef, Duty to God and You, and the Webelos rank badge at the end of May. None of these show on the Needs Purchasing Report or Needs Awarding Report in Scoutbook. They do show on the Advancement Report in Scoutbook Plus. SB User ID: 10586123, BSA Member ID: 136667674

Feature Request: A way to track purchased items in Scoutbook Plus would be helpful

@LawrenceOverway - are they showing up in the needs purchasing notification in ? If so, you can edit that report to remove items

@LawrenceOverway first guess is SB does not see them as an AOL

Do what Stephen says - go to - go to Roster then click “Pending Items” (1) > then “Approve Items” (2) > the “Reports” (3) and choose advancement Report

What happens when you generate an Advancement Report? Does this change the status for the items to Purchased (and is there a report for that) or what is the process for tracking items that have been purchased but not awarded in Scoutbook Plus?

There is no Purchased status

I think that brings me back to my original issue of needing items to show on the Scoutbook Needs Purchasing Report so that they can be tracked as purchased in Scoutbook. Or functionality needs to be added to Scoutbook Plus to track purchased items.

That is an AOL Scout correct @LawrenceOverway ? Next week there we hope a fix for that will be released.

Yes, AOL Scout with missing Webelos items. Glad to hear it will be fixed soon. Thank you

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