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@JamesDavis17 140446556 is not completely registered - Key 3 can look at official roster at my.scouting.org - first guess is application not accepted in Applications - talk to council
On 140446556 - is connected as Scout to the parent (you) in Scoutbook and My.scouting.org
@DonovanMcNeil did you mean to put the same scout ID twice? Is the one where you said contact council meant for the one that is missing entirely from the roster?
No sorry - must have been saved in Paste - 140446538 is connected to you as parent - yes the first one (140446556) looks like an application unit did not finish completion of
Interesting on my son. When I look at his profile there is no parent listed on Scoutbook Plus. I refreshed the page, so do I just need to wait longer for it to appear there or contact the council office?
I can contact the council about the missing Scout form the roster.
I believe you. Since I have privileges on the district level I have three drop down options in Scoutbook Plus. I can select either of my two sons or I can select the district role. I just don’t see him when I refresh Scoutbook plus or look in Scoutbook. Since I am a pack admin I can see his record because of that connection. I will see if it resolves itself on my end. Thank you very much for your help!