Hello, I am trying to provide information to new committee chairs on approving new application on my.scouting and how to set up in Scoutbook. I found an online registration doc from November 2018. Is that the most recent? Also, I showed them how to approve on my.scouting.org and now the scout is in our scoutbook. Is that how it works now? There have been so many changes and with only having to do this once a year, I can’t remember stuff.
my.Scouting tools portal
my.Scouting Tools is a portal to many tools. You and others can help by identifying which tool you are using it the topic title. Otherwise we are guessing.
The current version of help for a new tool is often the one you find inside the tool.
Online registration
I am assuming your unit has been set up to use online registration.
Has your unit, organization, district and council been setup and trained to use the online registration system? In particular your chartered organization representative and unit committee chair need to be on board to approve adult applications. There are setup check lists and pointers to training at the online registration website.
Contact your unit commissioner and district training chair for information about locally available training.
@MaryHawryszko, I have not looked at the Online Application lately to see if it matches what I see. I am guessing it may be 1 generation old. I would recommend going in there your self to get a comfort level before you do the presentation.
1 big difference, since December 30, 2018, there is no longer any need to setup a Scout or Leader in Scoutbook. Twice a day there is a membership push from Akela that will add members to your unit. For online applications, that happens within 12 hours of when you click Approved and the member is added to your roster in Member Manager. For paper apps, it is within 12 hours of when the application is actually processed and the new member appears on the roster in Member Manager. From the time you turn in a paper application, they should be on your roster in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Ken. That explains some of what I am seeing. By any chance do you know how I should get my new committee chair set up to start receiving the notifications of online applications? I have her set up as a key 3 delegate but she is saying she cannot seem to make any changes in scoutbook.
Training? We are pretty much left to our own devices. But I will email them. I have having an issue getting my new committee chair set up to receive the application notices and navigate scoutbook even though it looks like she is set up properly.
@MaryHawryszko - is the CC listed as such in my.scouting.org ? In the organization section of my.scoutung there is a setup button that brings you to the application processing setup. The options as listed are COR and CC and COR as application approvers. The online application status has to be enabled in the Be a scout pin management section. On the scoutbook side the key 3 should automatically be unit admins without the need to be delegates. I have found sometimes that it helps to click on the position then make sure the check box for I agree is checked then click update. This being done by that person by finding their name in the roster in scoutbook.
@MaryHawryszko, your unit Key3 should receive weekly notices when there are Inquiries and applications waiting a response in Application Manager (My.Scouting). If you are with a Pack, I recommend that they review Application Manager every day or two to keep up with it. Other times during the year, weekly, or when you know there is an application waiting response is sufficient. For youth applications, any of the Key3 can approve them. For adult applications, only the Charter Organization Representative has the final approval.
Stephen’s comments are very appropriate here. You show what positions your Committee Chair is assigned in Scoutbook, but Committee Chair permissions in Applications Manager are controlled by the leader’s Registered position in Member Manager, or functional role in Organization Security Manager, both part of My.Scouting.
Best of luck.