How does a new leader register on my scouting?

Hello, I have a parent that wants to complete an application on my scouting. He has a login from when he registered his some last fall. How does he now register online? He says he logged in but can’t find where to click. I have googled and can’t find any instructions.
Thanks in advance for the guidance.

The online application can only be used for a first time application. After that any updates or changes need to be submitted on the paper form, unless your Council has a different process.

Thank you. I will ask him to complete the paper app.

Provided the unit, chartered organization representative, district and council are set up and trained to use Online Registration:

Per the online registration system overview in the Online Registration Unit Guidebook, November 2018, PDF:

Youth and adults who use this system should be new to Scouting or be currently registered in a unit and applying to multiple in a different unit than the one in which they are currently registered. This system is not designed to register non-paying adult positions, position changes in the same unit, or youth or adult renewals.

The prospective “new” adult leader can be sent an invitation from the system or use the Be A Scout joining site by clicking “Join” on (Note BSA is planning to phased out the Be-a-Scout site so procedures may be different in the future.)

FYI - Online adult applications are not available in all councils due to local YPT laws (e.g., Pennsylvania). Local councils need to ‘opt in.’

Wher’s the search feature for Scoutbook?? Erik S.

@ErikSchutten - what specifically are you looking to search for ? Beyond that your post is a wee bit off topic.

I was on Scoutbook today and finally noticed the magnifying glass in the upper corner. Universal icon for search. I was looking for my unit’s calendar. I found it. Thx, Erik

@ErikSchutten - Opal says rut ro

Beautiful black lab. Erik


@ErikSchutten - actually 63 percent bluetick coonhound