Is it possible to enter and track requirements for the national outdoor award?
Yes, from the scout’s page go do to awards, and they are all in there.
Thank You, now I see it. I’m surprised it does not automatically record the MB’s or camping log information when it is entered into the Scouts account.
Camping log does not because there are sometimes stipulations that need to be considered.
The MBs look like they should. Specifically, what are you seeing that isn’t linking?
Before I click on the award it shows no percentage toward completion. Now after going into the requirement field I see it does mark the MB and rank requirements as complete.
Yeah, that’s probably a performance consideration. Or maybe the hotlinking was set up after those MBs were earned.
Award pages have to be opened for hotlinks to work - it is just the way SB works
@jacobfetzer - As a Cubmaster, I cannot see what the interface for this looks like, Is it highly detailed?
Presently, I keep a log of riding miles and aquatics hours for each of my Cub Scouts in Excel and then pass along that spreadsheet to their new troop when they graduate from the pack. If I could see this award in Scoutbook for my Cub Scouts, it might obviate the need for me to maintain the Excel spreadsheets.
If it only allows for the checking off of milestones, that might still be ok, because I could enter details in the Notes field.
@PeterHopkins Here’s the camping one.
Thanks @jacobfetzer. If it’s like that, I might as well just keep it in Excel. A ton of notes in Scoutbook might annoy someone down the road. Attached is the format I use with the Scout’s name removed. This Scout just graduated to Scouts BSA last week.Template National Outdoor Awards.xlsx (11.4 KB)
I don’t keep camping nights, hikung miles or conservation service hours in the spreadsheet, because they are in the activity log.
@PeterHopkins Here’s the aquatics one
And this is what it says in the Scouts BSA Requirements Book (2020):
While the activities done while a Cub Scout can’t count towards merit badge requirements, they can count towards the NOA awards. So time on the water, miles hiked or riding (cycling, horseback, motorboating, skating), nights of camping, conservation service hours, etc. can count if they otherwise meet the requirements.
@jacobfetzer - Thanks. My spreadsheet is a better option.
@JenniferOlinger - I’m glad you posted this. That’s precisely the reason I track these things for my Cub Scouts. When I mention to people that the hours and miles count for this award, they sometimes think I’m nuts.
A lot of it is education. At the Cub level parents are sometimes so busy they aren’t thinking that far ahead, and even at the troop level there are at times so much emphasis on advancement or MB’s that they forget there is a lot of other stuff out there that is fun that you can get recognized for.
It will but only after you opening it the first time. Not sure why but that is what I have found. You must open each one for each scout then it will track.
And it will not track the miles as stated you have to be told by your scouts and then add to a spread sheet you keep… Hope that helps.
Some of them but not others. If it can count, it it stated at such.
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