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I need some help with Scoutbook. I have an adult leader who somehow has 2 separate accounts that should be merged. His BSA IDs are: 13068767 & 11778997.
Merging might be tricky. One account has a valid email and contact info, and is the one he must be using to log in. The other account has his merit badge counselor information. As it stands, none of the scouts can contact him about merit badges. He would like to fix that as soon as possible.
Thank you for your help, however, the member now says he has no access to the troop at all. I find this odd since I can clearly see his account from our troop roster. Have you ever seen this problem before?
@BrianArcher Today they logged in with Email and created a new blank account - they HAVE to log in with their my.scouting.org username (first Initial lastname #1) and password.