Please merge my scoutbook Account

My BSA ID is IDXXXXXXXXXX. I have 2 scoutbook IDs. Can you merge those. I believe I only have one BSA ID.

@HOWARDGOODWIN I have merged your Scoutbook accounts. You do have 2 BSA member ID numbers, but the second one is superfluous.

Please log all the way out, then back in again using your my.Scouting username – not your e-mail address.

Thank you Jennifer. I am now having issues receiving email notifications from the troop. Any recommendations on how to resolve this issue? Thank you.

@HOWARDGOODWIN Do you mean calendar notifications?

Yes, but I figured it out. Some reason they started going to a junk folder. I flagged it to go to a regular in-box. sorry to bother you.

I have a Scout that somehow ended up with 2 BSA ID#'s…ONE the numbers shows up for us in the old Scoutbook, NEITHER is in Scoutbook Plus, and they show up on our side of the roster on my.Scouting with a different number that doesn’t show up on in the other places. I suspect they may also have multiple SB IDs as well but I can’t see that since only one of the ID #'s shows up in Scoutbook. I suspect the issue started because of the use of a preferred name. Is there any way to merge the accounts because right now records for this Scout are scattered between the two accounts and they don’t have access to our Troop calendar in Scoutbook plus!

@MelissaHuber2 if you post BSA# (no names) we can take a look

14878352 14881172 The Scout also had a legal name change…to Andy with the same last name as listed on those numbers

@MelissaHuber2 those numbers are a parent and a scout - you think the Scout has another number?

Hmmm interesting because one of the numbers shows up on my.Scouting as a youth and the other shows up in scoutbook as a youth…BOTH numbers have some of this Scouts advancement linked to it. IF you think a phone call might be easier, I’m happy to provide a phone number

@MelissaHuber2 I think I found it - both A names on Scout?

@MelissaHuber2 this is a little complex - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

Thank you. I’ll keep my eyes open, I’m assuming by Avatar you Mean the thing that is the circle with my first initial.

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