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The “Needs Awarding” report really should be in a printable format, pdf, csv something.
Units are complaining to me that as screen shots it is unweildy. They use it to ensure Scouts get what recognitions they are owed. Yes, they could use a copy of the needs purchasing report. The BSA Recognition report is fine and dandy if you want to know what awards were ever awarded in a unit, but not useful as a tool to make sure you have all awards Scouts are owed. Some units have “stockpiles” of awards that they then remove from the “Needs Purchasing” reports. If a unit uses that to award items, the “stockpile” items are not on the report, and the Scout doesn’t get the item.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours in Scouting,
Marian McQuaid
Spirit of Adventure Council
The Needs Awarding Report was not designed to be printed.
The Recognition Reports are intended to be printed, although there are some bugs that are being worked on currently.
If a unit has some items in inventory, they should keep them as not Awarded, and these items should show up on the Recognition Reports. (Units should mark the box next to “Include Not-Awarded Regardless of Date Range”)