I really like the “Needs Awarding” report in Scoutbook for pulling loops etc for my cubscouts. However, this report is not properly formatted with print breaks. There is no export to PDF option and if you just print it from the main screen some of the loops dont actually print since they are “between” pages. I like the fact this report shows the parent the name of the award, picture of the award, and when it was earned.
@RachelVirden - it was not designed for that so no bug
I would actually use the “Recognition Report” under the reports menu:
Obviously this is from a troop, but I would assume that there’s something analogous for packs?
@RachelVirden - and the pack view
What do you mean by “pulling loops”?
@jacobfetzer - i would think from the stock at the scout shop… which would be the needs purchasing reports purpose
Not necessarily. Loops are immediate recognition items (unless that changed since I was DL), so I would expect units to have some on hand, not need to order them/go to the local scout shop before they can be awarded. I know some units do this by having DLs hand them out at den meetings when adventures are completed. Others only do it at pack meetings.
@CharleyHamilton - valid point there… for a while I had a load of the old recognition items since the person before me worked at the council shop.
Here is am example of what we do with the report. The Recognition report does not include the picture of the award which means my parents will struggle to correlate the loop with the what it actually is. There is most definitely a bug with this report since there is no way to actually print it successfully.
When you are doing it at pack meetings you end up with multiple loops per kid. And when council takes 6+ weeks to process your new applications its impossible to accurately purchase / record advancement for scouts so we end up waiting for Most/all of our apps to get processed before awarding anything in the fall. (For reference I had 30 scouts and currently have 129 so we had over 100 apps processed this fall).
That assumes that the intent is to be able to print it, which as @Stephen_Hornak noted, is not the intent.
It might be a feature enhancement request. That could be either adding the images to the Recognition Report or changing the Needs Awarding report to be printable. I doubt that the latter would be done, since the BSA is slowly migrating features from Scoutbook to IA2 (due to issues with the underlying code base).
ETA: I agree that a mountain of loops isn’t uncommon if you wait for a pack meeting. That said, delays like what you cited are just one of the reasons that many units have “stock” of the immediate recognition items.
Why do the parents need to know what it is would be my main question? I have never had a cub parent ask me “what is this one” - a few Merit badges yes like Scouting Heritage or Robotics which are odd.
@RachelVirden - let me repeat it was not designed to be a printed report.
CSV and print options were proposed 9 years ago but just never happened
Have you considered online applications? That gets them in the systems within a day of the Cubmaster approving them.
That’s what the pocket certificates are for. You attach the loop to the card that has the name. Are you trying to print the report as a replacement for the pocket certificates?
That said, as someone who has had to attach a mountain of loops to pocket certificates, I have had to open a browser to make sure I knew what awards went with which cards. So, I do see some room to improve the process. I’m just not sure if it’s what you are proposing.
@RachelVirden - still not a bug
That’s mostly semantics. Although, a bug usually gets higher priority.
@jacobfetzer - more of a new feature request since it was proposed but not implemented
Yes, that is accurate, but not something I personally get too hung up on.
@jacobfetzer - true… but do wish it had been implemented though
Developing a report that inheritently can’t be printed to be an accurate representation of the report (ie cutting out chunks of the report) is a design flaw / bug in my opinion. As it stands there is no way to accurately archive/document this report as it is currently written.