Needs purchasing report gone

After approving the items that were in that report, I checked the “needs purchasing” report and it was there. When I logged back in to make a PO & print it, it is gone. I thought it might be lumped into my previous PO but it is not. Now, I do not know what I need to purchase…pack meeting is tomorrow night. Please HELP!

What do you see when you go to the Needs Awarding Report?


I may have awarded them by accident. I wanted to mark the previous month’s awards as “awarded” but didn’t check to see if “approved” awards are automatically moved to “needs awarding” list. I have some Bobcat ranks to buy & not sure if our scout shop will let me without the synced form. I checked my previous PO and it only has last month’s awards on it.

You’ll have to find the advancement that was erroneously marked awarded on the individual scouts’ advancement pages, click the % complete line, uncheck the awarded box, and save.

You can use the cub scout recognition report or export/backup > scout advancement to help identify recently earned awards.

Adding on to @jacobfetzer’s suggestions:

On the Cub Scout Recognition Report, there is an option to “Include Awarded Within Date Range”, which might help you identify the items.

Or if you are a Pack Admin, you can Export / Backup → Scout Advancement csv file into a spreadsheet and sort / filter based on the AwardedDate field.

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Thank you!! I got it.

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