I am the CC. I am trying to help my Advancement Chair (we’re both new). I received this message from her. We award within Scoutbook:
“Do you know how to see what has been awarded to the Scouts, but NOT purchased?
I seem to have run into an issue with some purchases that have been brought to my attention. I awarded some things on 4/5 that have not been purchased. Looks like the Scouts [awards] that were added by leaders between March’s pack meet and when I awarded scouts on 4/5 are missing. However, when I awarded them, they were automatically moved and did not stay on the Needs Purchasing Report for this April. ??? Does that make sense?”
We ran the following reports, and it did not help her:
Pack Recognition Report
Needs Purchasing Report
Thoughts, please? Thanks!
once something is marked Awarded it does not go to purchase reports. To be on Purchase reports it needs to be approved. The Awarded status means the Scout has it.
There isn’t a way to see this exactly (since, as @DonovanMcNeil noted, once “awarded” it assumes the youth actually has it, so it comes off of the Needs Purchasing report and any open POs to which it was added). However, a Scoutbook unit admin/Unit Key 3/Key 3 Delegate can pull up the “Audit Log Report” under unit reports to see what was recently marked Awarded. THen, in principle, the erroneous ones can be backed out (by individually going to each scout’s advancements page and removing the Awarded check mark), and will show up again in the Needs Purchasing report (and should be available to re-add to any open POs (unless it automatically adds, which I can’t recall).