New MBC Connect Instructions

Here is a PDF on using the new MBC connect feature for Scouts

MBC Connect to a Scout.pdf (93.2 KB)

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Is there any sort of approval or verification process to check that the MBC is supposed to be connected to the Scout? In theory, if you have the Scout’s ID# then everything should be okay and aboveboard, but at a minimum it seems like it should include an automatic email notification to the Scout’s parents that the connection was made.


The Key 3 of the Scout’s unit receive an e-mail that includes the name of the MBC, the Scout and the MB(s).


Where does the blue card (virtual) fit in? Can a MBC make the connection and start with the Scout before a blue card is started? Not that I want to be a barrier, but to meet the expectations of the SM as laid out by the guide to advancement.

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If the Scout does not have the MB on his/her profile, it will be added when the MBC connects. The MBC should ask the Scout if there has been a discussion with the Scoutmaster regarding this MB.


Here are a few videos to share when needed


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When I go to my connections… there is no Add button



You must be a Merit Badge Counselor listed under My Positions in Scoutbook with valid Youth Protection Training to see the Add button.

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It shows me listed as a MB counselor

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and my YPT is current

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when i go into the MB counselor position… i am listed as available and marked as Council (not unit only)

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Is your MBC position approved (green shield)?

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no green shield…, but I know my applications are turned in and I am on the Council List for approved MB Counselors

Ive attached a screenshot of the council report with my name and badges

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What council are you in? I can determine if your council has uploaded its MBC list if so the date of the last uplaod.

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Michigan Crossroads Council - Water & Woods Fields Service Council - Blue Water District

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Your council has not uploaded its MBC list. You will need to have a Key 3 member of your unit approve the position in Scoutbook.

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That and from your video you can see if the SM set the “Initial Unit Leader Signature” to yes.



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