Our membership coordinator made me aware that none of the Merit Badge Counselors that were added at our last recharter at the council level are showing up in ScoutBook searches. I did the following troubleshooting with no success:
picked a counselor and verified that they were listed as such in my.scouting district level member manager
tried to add them as a counselor for a merit badge they are approved for to a scout and they did not come up in a search
removed the position and recreated it and then tried # 2 again which still failed
repeated steps 3 and 2 at the district level and then at the council level
Can anyone tell me why these new (since January) counselors are not showing up in searches?
Has your council uploaded its Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) list? Scoutbook does not currently import MBCs from ScoutNET.
The easiest way to find out if your council has uploaded its MBC list is to try to add an MBC to your unit roster. If you are able to add an MBC, your council has not uploaded its MBC list. If you get an error saying contact your council, then your list has been uploaded.
If the list was not uploaded, you need to manually add the MBCs in your unit to your unit roster. If it has been uploaded, the MBCs may not show up in your search because
- Their YPT as recorded in Scoutbook has expired. If the YPT date is wrong, please let us know.
- The MBC has set the visibility to unlisted or to a unit or district other than your’s.
- The MBC list has not been uploaded by the council since they registered as MBCs.
The council is not uploading the list, they were entered manually through the troop, their YPT is very much up to date and when I entered them in using the steps detailed in the previous message they were entered with a status of available.
William- did they submit applications to council for that position? It seems like you are working in my.scouting.org to assign them.
They have submitted, accepted and processed applications, otherwise they wouldn’t be showing up as a Merit Badge Counselor in Unit Commissioner tools (which I have access to as a Unit Commissioner and used them to verify that they were in fact in BSA systems as a valid MBC with up to date training) in my.scouting (which is why I went there to check), so the counselors are in the BSA system and have the proper training. They are also in ScoutBook with the proper settings and they are not coming up in a search. This is a bug.
in Scoutbook under their positions have you added MBC? MBCs do not come in with MemberUpdate. Unless a Council adds them the unit has to add them itself. Just trying to get an understanding to figure it out
There are only two ways to add merit badge counselors in Scoutbook currently:
A council Admin uploads the MBC file directly to Scoutbook.
A user adds the position of MBC to an individual. These MBCs have to be attached to a unit in Scoutbook. These MBCs look will look something like this:
Donovan, in the steps I listed at the beginning of the thread, I detailed that I added them at the Unit level as a MBC in Scoutbook, when that did not work (come up in a Scoutbook MBC search), I deleted the position and re-added the position at the district level and when that did not work, I deleted the position and re-added it at the council level. None of them worked.
They are being added properly. They are not coming up in a search.
OK - one idea - are their Zip codes entered?
there was also an old bug where if the MBC was restricted to just the unit they would not show in search
Donovan, which is why I tested the scenario under all three conditions which I’ve already detailed (Unit, District and Council). The behavior was the same in all three scenarios - did not show up in search.
Under Edit Profile, check to make sure that zip code, district, and council are entered and correct.
The things that usually prevent a MBC from showing up on the MBC search are:
YPT is not current in Scoutbook.
Listing Preference is set to “Unit List”. [These MBCs won’t show up using the MBC search tool, but will show up when using Roster Builder (different from Report Builder).
Position is not Approved (green shield with check mark) by a unit Admin.
MBC has not checked the box next to “I agree to join the unit leader roster”.
In addition, sometimes users need to log out of Scoutbook, then log back in before they will see changes.
I received the following message from myself@scoutbook but am not showing up in the scoutbook list of MBCs. I signed up to be available to all scouts, not just my troop, and I’m sure I put my zip code on the application. My council says if I got this message, it is a scoutbook problem, not theirs. Scoutbook said to contact council. Any advice? This is happening to several MBCs associated with our troop. Thank you!
"Hi Kerry,
Your council has recently updated its list of approved merit badge counselors and shared that information with unit leaders on Scoutbook.
According to this information you are approved for the following merit badges and have selected to work with Scouts in the entire council.
Merit Badges: Astronomy, Environmental Science, Horsemanship, Space Exploration
Since you already have a Scoutbook account, there is no action that you need to take at this time. Thank you for everything you do for Scouting and for your support of Scoutbook.
Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Training and check your Youth Protection Training Date. If it does not match your actual completion date, please let us know. Scoutbook will hide any MBC with expired Youth Protection Training. There have been issues where the nightly YPT update is failing and this is causing MBCs to be hidden.
Thank you for your timely response. That is not the problem. My YPT is showing correctly as being good until 2020. What next?
Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions. Click on your MBC position. Make sure the visibility options are set as you expect. If unlisted is checked, it won’t show in any search.
Thank you Ed,
I only have an ended position as MBC. It is listed as with the unit. If I try to modify it in any way (change the visibility or remove the end date) it says to contact the council.
I also confirmed the zip, council and district in my profile.
Scoutbook continues to send me emails that the council has uploaded a list and I am on it and everything is fine. But I don’t show up in the MBC search and the same is true for most MBCs in out troop.
There is a known issue where MBCs that limit their Listing Preference to Unit are not appearing in search results. If you set Listing Preference to District, Council or Worldwide, you should appear in the search.

To change Listing Preference, go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions and click on your active MBC position.
If the position has an end date, and you are getting a message to contact the Council to make changes, your council has uploaded its MBC list and either:
- you are not on the list in which case you need to contact your council.
- you have multiple Scoutbook IDs. Send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with your name, BSA#, e-mail address and my.scouting.org ID and ask them to search for and merge any duplicate IDs they find.