Not allowed to check Initial Unit Leader Signature

I am the scoutmaster. I have a scout whose merit badge counselor marked the badge as completed.

I tried to check the Initial Unit Leader Signature box, however, I see this message pop up:
“Invite Thomas’s Scoutmaster or unit leader to connect so they can sign scout blue card.”

Do I need to have the merit badge counselor send me an invite to enable me to provide the Initial Unit Leader Signature? I was the one who connected the merit badge counselor to the scout in the first place, so this seems a bit backwards.

My objective was simply to promote the merit badge from “completed” with the green check to “completed and approved” with the blue check since this Scout is preparing for his Eagle BoR.

Any help would be appreciated. The Merit Badge is Communications, and his SB ID is: 2529563.

Thanks in advance.

@ThomasArmstrong - can you check the needs approval report to see if it is listed there?

Hi, @Stephen_Hornak .

Yes, it is appearing there as well as the two other Scouts who simultaneously earned this merit badge w/ the same MB counselor.

What should I do now?


@ThomasArmstrong - well if they are marked completed by the MBC you can approve them in that report

Aha, I had not see the magic “Approval All” button yet.

Everything is resolved now. Thanks for the help!

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