Blue Card doesn't contain counselor signature

I have two scouts, siblings, that completed the same merit badge with the same counselor. For one of them, the counselor’s signature shows up on the blue card, but for the other it does not.

I believe this is because for one of them, the counselor marked the merit badge as “complete” but did not “approve” the badge. I’ve asked the counselor to take a look, but they aren’t sure what they did differently or what to do about it now. I don’t see a way to change it from where I sit (parent, adult leader). Any ideas?

Another interesting element of this is that for the one that is broken, the unit leader signed the merit badge after the counselor marked at as complete. There was another comment on the forum about something similar, with a suggestion that perhaps there is a bug where the unit leader’s action cleared the approval.

See the attached screen shots for the difference.




From the screen shots, the Counselor did not approve the final completion of the MB in the top one. The MBC should go back to that Scout’s Engineering MB, click on the completion date then select the Counselor Approved check box and click Save.

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