November 8, 2023 New Calendar Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Camping Activity
    • An issue that caused some users to get an error when trying to add a Camping Activity to a calendar event has been fixed.
  • iCal File/Link
    • An issue that prevented updates in the New Calendar from being pushed to personal calendars via an iCal subscription has been fixed.
      NOTE: Google Calendar only updates once every 24 hours so it may take time for this fix to be seen. Other calendars may update more quickly.
    • An issue that caused the unit iCal file to contain the sub-unit calendars has been fixed. The unit iCal file will now only contain events for the unit, not the sub-units. Subscribe to sub-unit calendar(s) if you wish to see these on your personal device calendar.
      NOTE: Google Calendar only updates once every 24 hours so it may take time for this fix to be seen. Other calendars may update more quickly.
  • Scoutbook Events
    • An issue that caused some events on the Scoutbook calendar to be hidden from the New Calendar has been fixed.
  • Service Hours
    • An issue that prevented service hours entered via a calendar event from being saved has been fixed.
  • Sub-Unit Leaders
    • An issue that allowed sub-unit leaders to create/edit calendar events outside of the sub-unit has been fixed.

New Features

  • Sub-Unit Calendars
    • The listing of Unit and Sub-Unit calendars below the monthly calendar has been reformatted to make the association between the Units and Sub-Units easier to see.
  • Meeting Location URLs
    • The Meeting Location URL field will now accept any valid URL including sites such as Zoom. Previously the URL was limited to Google Maps.
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