Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
An issue that prevented activity logs from being created from a calendar event that only included sub-units has been fixed.
Adventure Entry
An issue that allowed adventures from a higher rank than the den of the Scout to be edited has been fixed.
Calendar Subscriptions (ics fiile)
When subscribing to a calendar, the name of the unit and sub-unit calendars on the external calendar will match the name in Scoutbook Plus. Unit calendars will no longer display the charter org name. Sub-Unit calendars will have the unit name followed by the sub-unit name. Note: some external calendars such as Google Calendar only update once every 24 hours so there may be a lag before the calendar names are updated for current subscriptions.
Pending Items Tab
An issue that prevented some newly completed advancement requirements from displaying on the Pending Items Tab has been fixed.
Quick Entry Labels
The labels Quick Entry page has been updated to say Quick Entry instead of Bulk Entry to match the Unit Quick Entry drop down menu.
New Features
Activity Log Attendee List Sort
The attendee list for the activity log is now sorted the same way as the calendar lists. Youth and Adults are split into separate sections to make them easier to find.