I don’t understand why there isn’t a spot to note when a scout participates in the week-long leadership training NYLT and the scout returns to work NYLT as a Troop Guide. I think those are huge leadership roles and they’re not noted in Scoutbook. My son also had to take YPT Training to be a Troop Guide which isn’t noted in my Scoutbook. He was 16 his first year he served as a Troop Guide
Training is stored in AKELA - the Scout can sign into my.scouting.org to see it IF it has been recorded
I was looking in SB for NYLT recognition. Does anyone know if this has been created in SB for the kids to record it? NYLT is a HUGE achievement for them as Scouts. I was looking for dates to help him with his resume. Help??
@HunterHahn - all training is in my.scouting.org not scoutbook.
and you might have to ping one of your Unit Key 3 to find out if it’s in there, assuming the scouts doesn’t already have their own account at my.scouting.
Yes, Unit Key 3, or the staff of NYLT can turn that into their council training committee to enter. It really isn’t seen by anyone, but I make sure that my unit’s NYLT participants have it dually recorded.
@HunterHahn If it has been entered, you should be able to see it on the Scouts BSA History Report.
How is training recorded like ILST and NYLT? Where is training input?
@BradleyStrunk - training is in My.scouting.org and can be entered there for others in the unit.