Bug Fixes
- Needs Approval Report
- An issue that caused the Needs Approval Report to time out and produce a Whoops error when run by large units has been fixed.
- OA Elegibility Report
- For Sea Scouts - report updated to include Long Cruise Nights numbers into Long Term Camping Nights
- Payment Log
- An issue that prevented some units from accessing payment logs for former members has been fixed.
- Payment Log Report
- Fixed an issue with users in multiple subunits causing an incorrect amount in summary of report
- Adjusted the algorithm to classify users as S/L/P/U (Scout, Leader, Parent, or Unit)
- Fixed the subunit label presentation for users who are members of multiple subunits (Dens/Patrols) and labeled as “Multiple subunits”
- Scout Training Link
- An issue that caused the training link to go to an error page for some Scouts has been fixed.
New Features
- Distinguished Conservation Award
- The image of the Distinguished Conservation Award has been added to Scoutbook.
- Payment Log Report
- Added support for parents to run the Payment Log Report on their children from the report menu within the My Account page
- Reports Menu for Parents
- The Reports Menu has been added to the dashboard for parent Scoutbook accounts.
- Scout Shop Changes
- Michigan Crossroads Council Scout Shops list has been updated.
- The closed Laguna Hills Scout Shop has been removed from the Orange County Council list.
- Unit Roster Warning Icon
- The
icon for members not registered in the unit has been added to the Den, Patrol and Not in a Patrol lists.
- The
Edit: Added Needs Approval Report fix.